Outreach Program
Sister Squad
Sister Squad is a trauma informed mentoring outreach program led by trained lived experience mentors. Our specialised outreach mentoring service offers comprehensive support and intervention measures to address the unique challenges faced by fatherless girls and young women with complex needs.
The Sister Squad outreach program is a direct response to compelling research published in March 2022 by the Agenda Alliance & Young Women's Justice Project. This research sheds light on the overlapping themes and experiences of marginalised girls and young women engaging with the Criminal Justice System. Our outreach program also addresses findings from The Commission Young Lives and Manchester Metropolitan University revealing up to 60,000 girls in England, often associated with gangs, face vulnerability to serious violence, yet they remain largely invisible in the existing gang prevention services, which primarily focus on boys. Sister Squad aims to address these critical gaps, providing much-needed support and intervention for vulnerable young women in care and those affected by family breakdown, abuse and adversity by educating and empowering them to build positive and fulfilling lives free from trauma and complex behaviour patterns.
We support young women and girls between the age of 14 – 25, who are identified as;
At risk of serious violence, grooming, exploitation (criminal and sexual), and wider criminal networks
Live in a household where domestic abuse is present or has experienced any form of violence and abuse themselves
Looked after child and/or care-leaver
Girls and young women in or leaving secure settings such as secure Childers homes and prison
Girls and young women in or at risk of entering the criminal justice system
Presents with complex emotional and social needs
Dropped out of education
Pregnant/had a child during adolescence